Stand No :
S235We make production as Çilsan Chocolate with bubble gum and
candy products we export our activities to a total of 35 countries
ar experiencing growth even more with each passing year.
Our company priority target; dynamic, becoming different
and the best transfer the production facilities of the superior
technology, every year, more hyginec production lines that add
a new fast and make superior quality products and constantly
develop new products. As Çilsan chocolate staff will continue to
work as believing that the most important task of our customer
satisfaction, and the secret of our success, we are connecting to
the service we provide continuity.
Our goal is experinced, the strenght of our technical and experienced
employes, without compromissing quality, the quality of
raw meterials and completly hygenic conditions to continue production
using the most advanced technologies strengthening
our capacity as consumer foreign country is pleased to provide
this confidence we a dopt a principle.
Modern management continuous improvement the principle of
invitation understanding customer satisfaction keeps to quickly
reach big goals We accept as part of our quality of life. Basic
requirement for all of our products and services , in accordance
with the principles of total quality management to catch the
maximum level of quality. Our competiveness in the market and
we belive that we can win by doing serial productıon of high
Phone : 903423372770